Lemongrass is a tropical herb with a distinct citrus flavor, often used in Thai cuisine, and to make a delicious balmy tea high in antioxidants. This green and yellow lemongrass may be grown in your garden as an annual, or can also can easily be grown indoors at any time, and is beautiful in a pot. Lemongrass is a fragrant plant, so place it somewhere in or around your home where you’ll be able to enjoy it.
Potted Lemongrass Plant Care
Lemongrass grows and spreads quickly. Your plant could reach about 3 to 5 feet tall and up to 2 feet wide. If growing in a container, choose a 5-gallon or larger pot. This plant thrives in hot, humid and sunny conditions, with wet, fertile soil with excellent drainage. Preferable soil pH is 5.0 to 8.0. Feed it a fertilizer high in nitrogen every 2 to 3 weeks. Never let the roots dry out, and mist the leaves often if possible.
Lemongrass Harvest and Propagation
Lemongrass takes between 100 and 200 days to be ready for harvest. You can begin harvesting lemongrass once it has grown to 1 foot tall. Harvest entire stalks by slicing them off at soil level, below the swollen ends. Harvest entire stalks from the outside of the plant by slicing them off at soil level (never snap them off) and make sure the stalks are at least ½ inch thick. Peel away the outer layer prior to using if it is very hard. To propagate, place root cuttings from well established stalks in water, and let the cycle begin anew.