Perennial Candy Fruit Mint is a hardy and versatile leafy herb. It can be used in cooking or enjoyed raw, added to dishes for it’s fresh, sweet taste. It makes a great tea and can be used raw or dried. This particular mint is also quite an attractive plant, as its rich green leaves drape and cascade, and it grows lovely flowers.
Plant Care
Much like other common mints, this plant will return after our cold Québec winters, given that the root is established and somewhat insulated from the frost. It thrives in full or part sun. Plant in a soil compost mix in the ground or in a pot. Pots may be wintered indoors but must get at least 4 hours of sun and plenty of water to stay green all season. Keep the soil moist, but not soaking, and if possible, mist occasionally.
Harvest, Bloom and Propagation
Beautiful edible flowers will pop up at the end of summer or early fall. The young flowers are tasty, but more mature flowers will become bitter and seedy. This self-pollinating plant will self-propagate via roots which can be split in springtime. Stalks can also be cut off and rooted in water.