Garden Prep Tips
The sun is out! The weather is warming up! It’s time to get ready to garden. It’s not quite warm enough yet to remove the plastic from your garden beds and it’s still working to keep your garden warm. At this point it would be a good idea to poke holes the plastic to help with drainage. You’ll want to keep that plastic on until you are ready to plant.
If you don’t have plastic coverings on you garden it’s time to think about getting your soil mixed up, fertilized and ready to go. We just received a fresh batch of our soil mix here at the center so come pick up what you need. When cleaning and prepping your garden you want to keep your friendly neighborhood pollinators in mind. Native bees and other helpful insects have left cocoons in the debris and loose soil under the snow. You want to wait until it’s getting up to about 10 degrees at least once a day to make sure you don’t inadvertently damage or destroy these cocoons before they hatch. When we get up to those lovely warm temperatures you’ll want to start clearing and mixing with chicken manure fertilizer.
You can also click here for more handy gardening tips and tricks
Lawn Care
At this time of year, you’ll also want to consider your lawn as it’s starting to wake up from that long rest under the snow. Whether your lawn is clover or grass, it’s going to need some TLC. You’re going to want to aerate your lawn, and start topping it up with some fresh soil. This is also the time of year when you should be planning to reseed your lawn with clover or grass.
Upcoming Workshops
Want some help learning more about vegetable gardening in the city? We have some workshop dates coming up with Tereska including:
- Thursday April 25th, 2019 5 PM
- Sunday May 5th, 2019 11 AM
- Thursday, May 16th, 2019 6:30 PM
- Saturday May 25th, 2019 1 PM
- Thursday, June 6th, 2019 6:30 PM
Visit our website for tickets.