Dealing with squirrels

All urban farmers have faced the invasion of the squirrel in their vegetable garden.

Every year, this is with no doubt the most regular questions we receive and a real challenge in the city. From the balcony garden to the community gardener, everybody interacts with the squirrels regularly losing crops like tomatoes and cucumbers or having them dig up freshing planted seedlings or seeds.

  1. Do not feed the squirrels. Making squirrels depend on human food, only encourages them to rummage through our garbage and destroy containers in search of some tasty goods. When possible, always seal your garbage in solid plastic container to avoid visit from your neighbourhood squirrels.  
  2. If possible choose a location for your garden away from overhanging branches, and fences. These are perfect access point for squirrels.  
  3. Put a fence up around your garden. At Urban Seedling, we use a 2 foot plastic fence that we put up in the spring. It is our way of offering up some protection for the garden while still allowing you the gardener into the garden. If your squirrels have already been trained to jump into your garden this solution may not keep them out.
  4. Squirrels love to dig and bury treasure for later. Using a floating row can help. When the seedlings are young in the spring, and when you have just planted your seeds place a floating row over the plants. This will keep the seedlings warm during the cold spring months while providing some protection for the seedlings to get establish and remove any visible dirt for digging. A full garden is less susceptible to attract diggers in your garden.
  5. The physical barrier is the best solution for keeping animal like squirrels out of the garden. Place bird netting over the garden or build a chicken wire fence around your beds or in extreme case build an enclosure for your garden.  
  6. Choose your battles. We are all part of the urban ecosystem so you may have to come to terms with the squirrel taking some of the crops. Observe what they seem to destroy. For example, I lost many tomatoes to the  squirrels however, they never seemed to find the cucumbers. Once again the key being avoid leaving open soil for the them to identify as perfect digging grounds.

Take it or leave it

Other solutions will come up often on gardening blogs. You may want to give them a try. Many have mixed results, we cannot say enough that the real solution is a physical barrier.

  1. Save orange and lemon rinds during the winter. Once spring comes along bury them close to the surface to keep them from digging up your garden.
  2. Scatter dog or human hair in the garden. In some cases  the smell of a dog or human will keep those pesky squirrels at bay.
  3. Install a motion activated sprinkler. Usually use for cats and rabbits these sprinklers can be effective at keeping squirrels out of your garden.
  4. Leave out water for them. Squirrel seems to love those tomatoes and cucumbers, but why only one bite? The leading theory is that they are looking for hydration. Place a source of water in your garden. If the squirrel do not thank you, other beneficial insects like butterflies are searching for a source of water. If the squirrels don’t leave your tomatoes alone the other creature will thank you.
  5. Make a spicy cayenne pepper solution. Squirrel do not like spice, and this solution can reduce damage in the garden but needs regular reapplications.  Similar to a homemade insecticide.  

Share your squirrels tips and pointers with us and we will add it to our dealing with squirrels page. Join our story #potagerMTL.


Keep your garden well watered!

The most common reason vegetable gardens in a sunny location under perform is lack of water. Make sure to water deeply – at least 20 minutes for a 10’ x 3’ vegetable garden. Stick a finger in the soil for an easy way to check if you have watered enough. The soil should be moist below the surface. And if you have planted small seeds like radish, lettuce or carrot seeds, keep the surface of the soil moist to ensure germination. If regular watering is difficult, you can set up a simple irrigation system with a weeping hose or a sprinkler on a timer. Set the timer for an hour of watering, from 4:00-5:00. This way you will not lose water to evaporation in the hot sun and the topsoil has a chance to dry out before the slugs come out.

Bolting explained

What is happening to my leafy greens?

Bolting, i.e. going to seed, is a common phrase used in vegetable gardening. Easily recognizable by the alien heads that can shoot up in your garden, bolting usually occurs when temperatures soar in the summer or when plants are stressed by, for example, lack of water. This triggers a key cycle in plant life, that of producing seeds. The plant will refocus its energy into flowering to produce seeds to ensure its propagation and survival. After bolting, plants are usually inedible; their stems become woody and hard and their leaves strong and bitter. At this stage plants will usually be removed from the garden and replaced with a more heat-tolerant crop. One or two plants could be left for seed harvesting later in the season. If caught early on, bolting can be delayed by cutting back the flowering spikes. Remember that any plant or weed in your garden is competing with other crops for nutrients and water in your garden. Leafy greens (such as lettuce, spinach, and arugula), cabbage, broccoli and herbs all tend to bolt. You could leave the herbs in the garden, however. Their aromatic flowers are great for bringing pollinators into your garden to pollinate your peppers, tomatoes and eggplants.

5 tips for vegetable garden maintenance

New to vegetable gardening? Your plants and seeds are planted but you’re nervous about caring for your new garden?

  1. Your presence in the garden is important. Taking a little bit of time out of every day is the best way to care for your garden. This will enable you to notice changes and detect early signs of pest and disease, enabling you to attack before it’s too late.
  2. Much like us, every plant  needs enough space to grow and be happy. Check out our article on seed spacing for specific details for different varieties. As a general rule, once planted, make sure to harvest big leaves that may be shading other plants. Keep the area around seedlings clean so that your plants are not competing for nutriments with the weeds. Pay special attention to plants planted from seed. Once they sprout you need to thin them.  Watch this short video on thinning radish seeds to see some thinning techniques.
  3. Plants need water. Inconsistent watering can cause slow plant growth, stress, or lead to effects like cracked tomatoes. It is best to water in the early morning or late afternoon. Watering at high noon means that lots of the water is lost by evaporation. The best way to know if you are watering sufficiently is by sticking your finger in the soil. You want the soil to be nice and moist under the surface. If regular watering is problematic, you may want to consider installing an irrigation system to help keep your veggies growing.
  4. Soil fertility is the most important component for a successful vegetable garden. A great soil is composed of one third compost, one third coconut coir and peat moss, and one third black organic earth. We use vermicompost with every seedling we plant and apply kelp during the summer months and fish emulsion when we close the garden.
  5. Insects are your companions all season long. The best defense against pests in your garden is having strong stress-free plants, which begins with healthy fertile soil and sufficient water and sunshine. Having a healthy ecosystem will allow your plants to build up resistance to a variety of pests and disease. Read more about beneficial insects and how to deal with pests in our post on Natural Pest and Disease Control.

These are our 5 tips to maintaining your vegetable garden. Not so scary anymore?

Urban Agriculture in action

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Tereska and I had the chance to tour the city in the last weeks visiting inspiring and innovative projets around the city of Montreal. We wanted to share a few lines on these initiatives that are blossoming (pun intended). Urban Agriculture in Montreal carries a real spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation and these are just a  few of them we had the opportunity to discover.

La Ligne verte has been making headlines in the local Montreal news. This urban farm on the rooftop of the IGA is breathtaking. Having a farm on the rooftop of a food market is so logical (but not simple!) and makes you dream of a world filled with delicious heirloom tomatoes on every street corner.  This projet stands strong as the largest organic vegetable garden on a rooftop in Canada. Beyond the fact that this garden is on the roof, its present a unique situation where a small organic producer is working intimately with a big grocery chain – a situation offering tons of opportunity for future urban developments.

Nestled in the east-end of Montreal, is Paysage Solidaire. A organisation that is greening the neighbourhood by producing delicious organic vegetables that they sell at local markets and to restaurants in the area. They have number of gardens around the neighbourhood. Some are dedicated to production and some with an added educational twist. This organisations offer lots of volunteering and workshop opportunities if you are interested in getting your hands dirty!

Have you had the chance to visit the urban jungle on the roof of the Palais des Congrès. This urban agriculture site is researching a variety of urban agriculture methods. From vertical strawberry installations, to urban vineyards, to green rooftops, to balcony gardening solutions – they are testing it all. If you have not yet had the chance to explore this space created by the Laboratoire en agriculture urbaine it is a must.

Quartier nourricier is an urban greenhouse project that is much more than a simple greenhouse. A collaborative initiative between longstanding local organisation Carrefour alimentaire centre-sud and Sentier Urbain, a space that use to an old warehouse has been completely transformed into a beautiful greenhouse and community garden. This dynamic space radiates of the success of this collaborative projet. The greenhouse space is filled with busy bees hard at work  producing tasty microgreens.

Urban Seedling is now a member of Grand Potager a community organisation that has transformed the Verdun greenhouses into an Urban Agriculture and Food Security Ressource Centre that brings together local organisation to collaborate on creating creative and innovation lasting projects in food security and urban agriculture in Verdun. A organic garden centre, workshops, demonstrations gardens, aquaponic and innovative exemples of growing methods can all be found on site.

Visiting all the great projects leaves us inspired for what is to come. At a time when the international news has been challenging, it is great to remember our power and that localize actions can have rippling effects on our communities and natural surroundings. In this spirit, we invite you to the celebration being hosted by Grand Potager at the greenhouses on October 13th. Get to know and discover this young vibrant organisation. Check out the event by clicking here.

Keep on gardening!




Preparing for the fall garden

Fall Garden

Once you have harvested your beets, carrots and oignons, we encourage all of you to fill the empty squares in your garden with leafy-greens like lettuces and asian greens. This will help you maximize your garden space and the rest of the season.

These leafy greens need your love and attention. Cut back any branches from other plants that could be shading your new leafy-greens. They need lots of sunshine to grow. The well established plants in your garden and in the rest of your yard can create a lot of shade for your fresh new plants.

Slugs are also on the hunt for tender young things to eat. Your new leafy greens are especially susceptible. They can decimate your entire planting in one night. You can remove slugs manually from the garden, construct beer traps. If you have really voracious slugs in your garden, a ferrous sulfate product like Safer’s Slug and Snail Bait sprinkled among your seedlings can be a great way to protect your new plants.

At this time of year fruiting vegetables will start to focus their energy into ripening their fruits. Leaves may start to turn yellow, or some may start to wilt. This has been a particularly difficult year for diseases like Septoria leaf spot in Tomatoes and Powdery Mildew in cucumber and squash. This a good time to do a garden clean up. Remove dead or diseased leaves and plants and dispose of them in the garbage – not the compost. Keeping the garden clean reduces pests and disease. Slugs love debris so keeping your yard and garden clean will help to control slug populations as well.

The gardening season is not over! The fall is an even better time to grow leafy greens than spring as they love the cool weather, and this cool weather keeps them from getting bitter and going to seed

Transform your harvest!

Preparing Fermented Vegetables

Click here to buy your tickets

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn the basics of home-made vegetable ferments. You’ll leave with your very own jar of kraut and master recipes to get you started fermenting at home!

What you will learn:
-A brief history of fermentation and culturing
-Tips on fermentation vessels and storage
-The food safety of fermented foods
-The health benefits of a healthy intestinal flora, microorganisms and pre-digestion
-Learn about Sauerkraut and Lacto-Fermented Vegetables

Please bring a small cutting board, knife, and your favorite spices.

Fermenting foods is a fun and simple process. It’s much more than just a way of preserving food: it’s a method of self-sufficiency, a crucial historical component to all agricultural movements, and utterly delicious. Taster samples included.

Summer living

Summer gardening

Hot peppers make a delicious fermented treat! Come learn how to make these pickled delights at our fermentation workshop.

To harvest peppers, hot or sweet, wait until they have turned colour and harvest by snipping the the stem with a pair of garden shears or scissors. Did you know that there is no such thing as a green pepper? You can harvest them green if you prefer, but all peppers will change colour if you let them ripen. Harvest eggplants the same way, once they have reached the desired size, and become slightly less hard, snip the stem.  Your peppers and eggplants are sun loving crops so make sure to clear around them and cut back any tomato vines that may be shading them.

We have been seeing lots of powdery mildew in the gardens. Remember to remove any diseased leaves from cucumbers, zucchini and tomato plants. As needed spray your affected plants with a baking soda solution every 2 or 3 days to keep disease under control. Powdery mildew  is present in many gardens and it is important to act quickly to keep it under control.

Tomatoes will start ripening soon. Cut off any extra branches to focus energy onto the ripening of the fruit. Make sure to support plants with extra watering and weekly applications of fertilizer. Chicken manure is great for the extra calcium content. We also like to use Kelp fertilizer at this time of year.

Harvest onions, garlic, beets and carrots. We will fill those extra spaces in the gardens at the beginning of September with leafy-greens seedlings. Beans and peas are ready to harvest as well. The more you pick, the more the plant will produce. If your pea plants are producing less or starting to yellow, you can remove them from the garden.

Root vegetables are ready

Root vegetables - onions and potatoes

The persistent rain and cooler weather are behind us, so it is very important to be watering your garden daily. A good long soak in the early morning is best. If that is not possible, water later in the day. Watering at high noon means that much of the water will be lost to evaporation.

Slugs have started to become problematic as well. Hunt them down in the evening by looking on the underside of leaves and remove them from the garden. You can also dig a small yogurt container into the garden in a couple of key locations and fill with beer to drown the slugs. Empty regularly. If your slug population is out of control, you may have to resort to a product like Safer’s Slug and Snail Bait. These ferric sodium granules are very effective are approved for organic gardening.

The time has come to start harvesting beets and carrots. To know if they are ready start by investigating the size of the root with your finger in the soil, if they large enough to your taste, pull them up. Continue to harvest them as needed. Don’t forget that the green tops of beets, carrots and onion are all edible and delicious.

Onions and garlic are ready to harvest when the leaves start to yellow and fall over. Pull them up, brush off the soil and lie them out in the sun for 1 to 2 weeks to let them cure for storage. Store in a cool, dark place or eat them right away. Potatoes are also ready for harvest. Dig up the tubers to make space for some more leafy greens to plant in a couple of weeks.

Carrot tops have a taste reminiscent of parsley and can be eaten raw in salads, sautéd with garlic, olive oil along with your beet tops, kale and Swiss chard. You can also or cook carrot greens into a soup or a stock now that the weather seems to be cooling off.

Beets greens taste a bit like beets and Swiss chard. Harvest them as you need them, and remember that beet greens are absolutely delicious in a sauté, in a quiche, or raw in a salad.

The very rainy and mostly cold weather has been hard on the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants.

Come and learn how to transform those tasty vegetables into delicious fermented treats. Join us on August 25 for a fermentation workshop at the Verdun Greenhouses. Make your first jar of sauerkraut and lean master recipes to get you started on your home fermentation journey! Sign up by clicking here and learn more about this great workshop.

Cucumber spotlight!

Organic blueberries

And other fruiting veggies

Cucumbers require hot weather and lots of water! Once they take off cucumbers grow quickly. They are vining crops and require a trellis, stake or rope on which to grow. At Urban Seedling, we grow three varieties: lebanese cucumber, field cucumber and dragon egg cucumber. Cucumber are planted one per square foot. Make sure that there are no leaves or weeds shading your plants.

Inconsistent watering is a problem for cucumbers and will develop bitter or weirdly shaped fruit. Cucumbers have very shallow roots so keep soil moist. Avoid watering the leaves of the plant to keep leaf disease such as powdery mildew at bay. Remember to remove any diseased leaves from cucumbers. As needed spray your affected plants with a baking soda solution for control.

Insects are key to pollinate your cucumbers. If your plant blooms and does not produce fruits you may not have enough insect activity and need to pollinate your cucumbers by hand using a soft paint brush. Move pollen from male to female flowers with the tip of your paintbrush.

Cucumber beetles love to feed on young cucumbers plants and carry bacteria and disease in their mouths. The beetle spreads this bacteria by chewing on the plant. Once infected, plants die quickly.You can prevent the beetle by hunting them and removing them from the garden, installing yellow sticky traps or using a floating row to protect your young cucumber plants.

As soon as your fruiting veggies are big enough to your taste harvest them! The more you pick, the more the plant will produce. Young tender veggies taste better too. Fruiting vegetables need the most heat and sun, so make sure to give each plant enough space by keeping your garden well weeded, and cutting or tying up any large leaves or branches that are overshadowing your plants.

There is no such thing as a green pepper! You can pick them green, but all peppers will change colour to red, orange, yellow or brown once they are ripe. Sweet peppers are sweeter, and hot pepper hotter if you wait.

Root vegetables are going to be ready to harvest over the next few weeks. To figure out if they are ready, simply investigate the size of the root with your finger. If it is large enough to your taste, pull it out! Harvest them as you need them, vegetables are always best when they are eaten fresh-picked.

Roquette, Brassicas, Kraut and Vingears

Organic Flowers

The most important thing to remember at this time of year is to make space for each plant in your garden. Any leafy greens or brassicas that have gone to seed (really tall and making flowers and seed pods) need to come out of the garden. Remove any large leaves that are overshadowing other plants. Any radish needs to come out of the garden. Most lettuces have gone to seed and need to come out as well.

If you have brocoli in your garden it is likely going to flower. Harvest now! Cabbages are also ready to harvest at this time. Harvest before they start to split. Splitting usually happens after a big rain fall. Harvest heads as soon as possible. Make a delicious kraut to enjoy this summer and fall with all your barbecued veggies and meats. All you need is salt and cabbage! Check out our fermentation workshop this fall.

If you  have peas in your garden, harvest time is here. Harvest your peas early and often! The more you pick, the more you will get. Enjoy them while the harvest lasts. Remember peas shoots also make a delicious addition to a salad. Continue helping your tomatoes onto the trellis as they grow, gently twining them onto your trellis netting. It is important to remove any suckersthat you cannot find space for on the trellis.

The roquette (arugula and sylveltta) is flowering white and yellow flowers. Make sure to cut back flowers to keep your plants producing. Cut back the flowering stocks at the base and do not forget to enjoy the flowers in your next salad!

If you have not harvested your garlic scapes do so now! It is important to remove them all from the garlic plant so that the plant’s energy goes into producing bulbs instead of flowers. The scape is the curled end above the top leaves. Simply snip off. You can chop it up to add to any dish, throw them on the bbq or blend all of them together to add to a pesto. They are a delicious delicacy – so be sure to enjoy!

The herbs are growing nice and big now. Use them to prepare aromatic and savoury vinegars. Harvest on a dry day, chop herbs and cover with apple cider vinegar, white or red wine vinegar. Let it infuse for 6 weeks, stain and pour it into a nice bottle. Great for marinades, salad dressings and they make a wonderful gift! This glowing nasturtium vinegar has a bit of a kick but delicious for those who like it spicy!

Nasturtium Vinigar

Organic Herbs

Tomato tangles, herbs and leafy greens 

Leafy Greens

Lots of herbs are ready for harvest. Cut back flowers to keep them on producing. Eat your herbs fresh or pick them on dry day (if we ever get one!) for drying to keep in your pantry. Harvest the tops of your basil to keep your basil plants bushy. Remove an entire section of leaves at a time. You will see two sets of smaller leaves on the stem – those will become entire branches post harvest. This will make your entire plant much bushier. To see how, check out my video.

Save your peppers and eggplants from the tomato tangles to come.  As they grow get your tomato plants  up on the trellis to free up space in your vegetable garden. To get the tomatoes on to the trellis, you gently wrap the growing end of the vine around the trellis netting. Any branches that do not fit on the trellis need to be cut off so they don’t crowd the other plants in your garden. Make sure to also remove suckers to focus the energy of the plant. Suckers are the small branches that grows in the crotch of the other tomato branches.  Watch my video to identify suckers.

Most lettuces will have started to bolt. Bolting means that they start to produce a long spike that is a bit alien looking. The lettuce then turns bitter and is less tasty. Harvest them and clear up that space for your peppers and eggplants. Continue to harvest kale and Swiss chard by cutting outer leaves and leaving inner leaves. Bok choy can be harvest as a whole head. For tatsoi you can remove the outer leaves and leave inner ones or harvest the whole head for a stir fry. Add those greens to your salads, stir frys, eat them as a side dish or add them to soups.

Stay on the look out for leaf miner and flea beetles in the garden. Reduce risk of pest and disease by keeping your garden clean remove and dead or yellowing leaves. And of course your presence is the best method of prevention so get out and brave the rain and enjoy your garden! 

Happy harvesting and  weeding! 😉
-Urban Seedling

Organic GardenOrganic Garden