Enjoy those veggies!

Continue to harvest as your crops are ready. Beets, carrots, garlic and onions all should start to be ready. Consult our article on harvesting root vegetables to get some tips. Don’t worry about having some empty spots in your garden, it will be short lived. Towards the end of August we ill be coming to add fall crops to your garden and fill in all the empty spots. If we are not coming to plants leafy greens in your garden, we will have leafy green seedlings for sale in our garden centre at the end of August.

Tomatoes will slowly start to ripen. Tomatoes are ready when they change colour. They also come easily off the vine and become a but more soft. If you pick them before they are ready, not to worry if they do not have any nicks or bruises you can let them ripen on the window sill or counter as long as they do not have any nick and bruises. Learn more about harvesting veggies here.

This is a fun time of year to experiment in the kitchen! Lots of fresh veggies to make all kinds of delicious fresh dishes.

With all this heat, it is a great time to get creative with your salads. Since peach season is here, I love to make a heirloom tomato and grilled peach salad. Slightly grill those peaches on the grill, chop us some of your tomatoes add some fresh basil and make a simple mustard dressing and enjoy. If you don’t have a grill, this salad is delicious anyway and pairs nicely with a fresh mozzarella or goat cheese.

If you have lots of kale in the garden, kale salad are a delicious way to get through some kale. Kale is best paired with a creamy dressing. I like to add some kefir or yogourt and even a bit of parmesan cheese to my salad dressing for extra creaminess.

Beans make a delicious fresh salad. Boil them for a few minutes, run cold water over them and cut them to a size of your liking. Toss with some chives and fresh dill and any other veggies you have in the fridge. Make a simple olive oil and balsamic dressing. Delicious!

Enjoy those fresh veggies! Happy eating!