Vegetable gardening newsletter #21

Hello, Fall planting is now done. Unfortunately our delectable little seedlings, in a lot of cases became lunch for hungry critters out there. If this is your case, please let me know and I will send you a mix of seeds in the mail (free of charge) that you can broadcast in your empty squares. As the lettuce, beet greens, baby kale, radish shoots, grow you can harvest them as baby greens for a mesclun type salad. Don’t forget to keep your garden watered and weeded during these gorgeous hot and sunny days. We have another 50 or so days left of our gardening season. There are still delicious veggies in your future! Otherwise your only tasks are to keep your slug population under control, and wait for your veggies to ripen! This harvest time is a wonderful time of year, not just in your garden but all over the city (and outside the city). I encourage you to do wonderful seasonal things like apple picking in Rougemont, or Ile Perrot I also love Santropol Roulant’s 100 Mile Meal at Robin des Bois restaurant which is a 3 course meal (including local wines) celebrates local farmers. There is a panel discussion by the farmers that grow the food you eat following the meal. For more information check out the invitation attached to this email. Today form 5pm until 9pm you can even visit the Loyola campus City Farm School gardens at their Harvest party. Should be fun! We are collecting all of our notes about what when well this year, and what did not go so well so that we can make changes for next season. If you have comments, complaints or tips about how we could make the “Urban Seedling experience” better they are very welcome. Also, if you have any pictures of your garden you would like to share with me, they would be very appreciated. I will be updating the pictures on our website, flyers, Facebook and the rest of those hungry beasts. We need more garden pictures! Please let me know if you do not want me to post your pictures online. Don’t worry, I never use full names or addresses. Best, Tereska Gesing

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