Early Spring Planting

Organic Garden - Bok Choy

protecting your garden

Your vegetable garden is planted for the spring – or will be in the next few days. You now have all sorts of delectable cold-hardy seedlings in your garden. We planted some seeds too, since root vegetables and peas don’t like to be transplanted.

Your tasks in the garden are minimal at this time of year. Since it is raining a lot, and the soil is still soggy from the winter weather, you don’t need to worry about watering too much.

Keep your floating row cover on all the time. You may have to secure the corners with rocks, or clothes pegs to keep it from blowing away. The sun and rain pass through easily and the cover will give you a 3 or 4 degrees extra warmth and protection from weed seeds, cold rains and wind. You can take the cover off once the weather warms up for real.

Please check your garden regularly to make sure the soil is still moist. The seeds especially need the humidity to germinate.

There are still some things missing from some of your gardens, some herbs, trellis netting and other details. Fear not! We have a list and Shawn will be by early next week to fill in all the blanks and tie up loose ends. Please feel free to let me know if you have any concerns.

All the best!

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