for making our season fantastic!
We closed up the last of your vegetable gardens yesterday (now I just have to get to mine!) Please let me know if there is anything we missed, or did not complete to your satisfaction.
Your garden is now beefed up with fresh soil and natural organic fertilizers, planted with garlic and protected with plastic. We removed your fencing and rebar, since we heard from you at the end of last year that the rebar was dangerous in the snow. We will repaint it over the winter, and bring it back fresh and sparkling in the spring. The fencing and trellis netting unfortunately does not last more than one year – fresh fencing, and trellis netting are included in the replant packages.
We were blessed this season with a beautiful summer. While we had less sun than in 2013, the extra rain made it a little easier to keep up with watering in the hot summer months. I hope you were able to take advantage of the good weather, and get the most out of your vegetable garden.
The three most common reasons for under-performing gardens were:
- a lack of water,
- gardens becoming root bound with tree roots
- too much shade.
If you had trouble keeping up with watering, we can install a simple irrigation system on a timer next year. If your garden was root bound, the only permanent solutions are to move the garden away from any trees, or to put a bottom on the garden and raise it up off of the ground. If your garden did not get enough sun, we can move it to a sunnier location if there is one available, or we can plant more shade-tolerant vegetables like leafy-greens.
We will be in touch in March to see what services you would like from us in 2015. Urban Seedling will be expanding our garden centre at our warehouse, where you can come to get gardening supplies, seeds, seedlings, soil and natural organic fertilizers. We will also have more horticulturalists and landscapers on staff for yard work.
Thanks to your support, Urban Seedling has more than doubled in size again this year. While this is very exciting growth, and we are very grateful to you for coming on this journey with us, we have been having some trouble keeping up with communications and good organization, both of which are very important to us. We will be redoubling efforts next year to always let you know what is going on with your garden, when we will be visiting, and what we will be doing when we get to you. If you have any ideas about how we can make the Urban Seedling experience better for you, please let me know.
Please take a moment and either email me a testimonial that I can include on our website, or write us a review on Google, or both! Your customer feedback is invaluable to us. Thanks!
Have a great winter!